I’m about to experience a convergence in my own life.
First, I am quickly approaching another birthday.
Second, I’m almost at the third anniversary of my retirement.
Third, the end of another year and the start of a new one is just around the corner.
While these events might not necessarily meet at the same time exactly, their close occurrence has me taking a step back to pause and reflect. Taking a bit of time to absorb the life all around me, you could say.
This time around, however, has me looking back a bit further – more than I have before — at old times, memories, experiences. So many of which had a significant impact on my life, and on me. This makes me melancholy some days, almost to the point of tears, but with a sweet undertone of gratitude for the experience, and especially for the people that made those memories with me.
Even more lovely is sharing some of those times with loved ones. Especially youngers. We’ve had several days with grandkids and grown kids recently, which gave us lots of opportunities to share a few old memories and lessons. Grandkids are so inquisitive these days. It felt good to give old times new life, at least for a moment.
Recently, a friend and I were talking about how often we’re both thinking about past times, feeling them out for any new lesson or perspective they might hold for us. Sort of an excavation of sorts. Are there any new lessons to be explored? Any new insights that might apply in our lives now?
Do you ever feel that urge to look back at different times and experiences and to see them from the perspective of who you are today? It’s a good exercise in forgiveness – especially of yourself. Funny how many of the mistakes of the past just dissolve when seen through older, more experienced eyes. And the events we thought of as life-altering, once-in-a-lifetime, never-getting-over-this are barely remembered. Or turned out to be the best thing that could’ve happened. Hindsight and time are so wise.
This coming convergence of mine is really just a small collection of markers of time. A birthday, an anniversary, and a shiny new year. The passing of time and a time to begin again.
In honor of this so-called convergence, I’ll take a moment to reflect and enjoy special times once more, and then move on. After all, the present is what matters most, and these events call for some celebrating. So, I’ll hold my memories close but my todays closer.
Till next time,
I have many beautiful memories of our friendship and business time together.
me, too, Deb.
Thank you Judy for your insights and wisdom. Let’s make getting together a priority in this coming year! Hugs Joan
I’m with you on this Jude. I treasure all the memories I have with my family as a whole, and then individually. And then there are my wonderful friends both from the past and present and I realize how very lucky I am because of them all. When I become melancholy for whatever reason, I count my blessings and amazingly my mood improves surprisingly fast! Thanks for your wisdom sis. I love this blog; it/you always nudge me to stop and contemplate.