
Milestones. Big ones, small ones, important-only-for-you ones. They all matter. They give us a kind of topography map of our lives to remember, feel, learn from, and measure our human journey with.

As a kid, the milestones in front of you are mostly those that are prescribed, like certain physical achievements and educational accomplishments. Then there are all the firsts: first car, first job, first apartment or house, marriage and first kid. Firsts are intoxicating, aren’t they?

Moving through life, the milestones are still there, but most of the exciting firsts are pretty much done. That’s not to say that we’re done. Oh hell no. But we have to create our own milestones, for the most part, as we grow. We have to decide on or search out those things, those experiences, dreams or goals that we want to hang our hat on. Something that is worthy of our efforts to be deemed a milestone.

Not everything is. For me, I still have a need to achieve. I like the outward measurement of seeing myself grow in some way. Of course, the measurements we attach to something will have meaning only to us probably, and that’s OK .

Case in point, this is my 100th blog post! That’s a big milestone for me. When I started this blog, I wasn’t exactly sure what I intended with it. I just wanted a place to hang out with my thoughts, and share some thinking and ideas, hoping that there were other women (and men) that felt similarly. Where there could be a sort of community of us brailing and sharing our journeys together as we maneuver our way forward.

I hadn’t really thought too much about the future of it. But here I am writing my 100th post, and kinda surprised at the number. And kinda proud, too.

I’ve learned so much in the past two years. After “stepping off,” retiring as grown ups say, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I did know that I was entering a phase that seemed really foreign to me. And one in which I certainly didn’t feel prepared. Leaving a career that had been a home of sorts, comforting, challenging and satisfying, was terrifying and exhilarating at the same time.

What I didn’t expect was that I would fall in love with writing. Writing has been something I’ve done most of my adult life. Journal writing was my medium for years, a private place where I could capture and express all those painful, happy, heartbreaking, joy-filled times of my life. Then my education and career was written-word focused. I’ve always loved words, but mostly others’ words. Or so I thought.

At this point in my life, it’s really fun (and a little confusing) to realize that I like my own words. At least I like the process of excavating my life and putting words to it. For no real reason except it feels right to do it.

So two years in, I think I’ve finally learned what doing this was all about. At least, I think so. And I’m OK with that. I’m just going to keep moving and learning and figuring it out as I go.

I hope you’ll hang in there with me. Thanks so much for being a part of this journey so far. It truly has meant the world to me.

Happy, happy holidays to you!  And here’s to all our “best milestones” in 2019!

Till then,



  1. Debby
    December 13, 2018 / 6:13 am

    Happy Holidays!

    • Judy McLane
      December 18, 2018 / 9:15 pm

      Happy Holidays to you, too, Debby.

  2. Beverly
    December 13, 2018 / 6:42 am

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you❤

    Your blog posts are a little respite from my daily “stuff”. Woo saa.

    • Judy McLane
      December 18, 2018 / 9:15 pm

      Aw thanks, Bev. I so appreciate you reading my posts. xoxo

  3. Linda
    December 13, 2018 / 6:59 am

    Wonderful stuff, your writing. Congratulations on 100 – and on always making them fresh and timely.
    Looking forward to the next 100!
    Happy Holidays to you and Michael and your whole family!

    • Judy McLane
      December 18, 2018 / 9:16 pm

      Thanks so much, Linda. Let’s hope we can finally nail down an evening for the four of us soon. xo

  4. Sheryl Amburgey
    December 13, 2018 / 8:28 am

    Jude, You amaze me more everyday. Your “words” are thought provoking and spot on for so many of us.
    I love reading all your posts and congratulations to you for the 100th post. I love you sis,

    • Judy McLane
      December 18, 2018 / 9:16 pm

      Thanks, sis. I love you, too.

  5. Tina Cremer
    December 13, 2018 / 9:08 am

    Today, as I began reading this post I thought, what a beautiful photo and what beautifully written words. Low and behold, it is your 100th Blog Birthday! Happy BB! Don’t you feel young compared to your Blog? Congratulations, Judy. I wish you, Michael, and your garden a warm and beautiful Christmas season blessed with rain, cool weather, health, happiness, and fulfillment.

    • Judy McLane
      December 18, 2018 / 9:17 pm

      Tina, you are too kind, and I appreciate every word. 🙂 Thanks so much. xoxox

  6. Tina Cremer
    December 13, 2018 / 9:09 am

    Now, where did I put those milestones?

  7. Sharon Mills
    December 13, 2018 / 9:19 am

    This is beautiful, Jude! Congratulations on your 100th blog! A real milestone but only a stepping stone for bigger and better. Maybe a career in writing? Newspaper column, books? Never say never. You are so articulate and intuitive—I love every one of your columns. I love you!

    • Judy McLane
      December 18, 2018 / 9:17 pm

      I love you, too!

  8. Brad Smith
    December 13, 2018 / 9:52 am

    I get it! Congrats on the 100th! Whew! I remember as a kid thinking how old I’d be at the year 2000 and that figure seemed so ancient to me that it became a milestone. Who knew my milestone would be overshadowed by Y2K hype? So many “large scale” events and life changes have “happened” to me rather than be set as milestones. And who the heck created the term “Bucket List?!” My life’s new goals and desires are not tossed or collected in a bucket but wash over me now like a warm shower. And some of those things I never set – they happened quite by surprise! For instance, friends like you and Michael are so much a part of that experience! Can’t wait to celebrate 2019 and all it brings. Let’s do this thing! Love. B

    • Judy McLane
      December 18, 2018 / 9:19 pm

      Yes, dearest. Let’s do this! You are such a gem – so love having you in my life. xoxo

  9. Sarah
    December 13, 2018 / 11:04 am

    Congratulations on your milestone!!! I do so enjoy your blogs. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your Family❤️🎄🎁😘

    • Judy McLane
      December 18, 2018 / 9:19 pm

      Thanks, Sarah. You’ve always been there for me – at least since we were 2 years old. Let’s see if this friendship lasts. LOL! xoxo

  10. Terry Devine
    December 13, 2018 / 11:10 am

    Congratulations on your big 100! That is a very worthy milestone, indeed! As I am preparing to “step out” into the unknown of retirement, your words couldn’t be more timely. But then they always do seem to be. My mantra, slogan, refrigerator words for my upcoming milestone year are “Explore Experience Create Connect”. And maybe something that comes about through one of those journeys will be a Milestone in itself. Thank you as always for shining a light. Love. TD

    • Judy McLane
      December 18, 2018 / 9:21 pm

      Oh Terry, I love your mantra. I think I might have to steal that one. haha You’re going to do great as you “step out.” Just know Michael and I are here for you. And jump right in — the water’s fine. 🙂

  11. Julie Loats
    December 13, 2018 / 9:14 pm

    Happy 100th! Your words create pictures in my mind. How lovely. Here’s to many more blogging years 🥂

    • Judy McLane
      December 18, 2018 / 9:21 pm

      Thanks, Jules. Your words mean a lot to me, truly. xoxo

  12. Laurel Tucker
    December 14, 2018 / 4:03 pm

    You don’t look 100, dear one. And your blog is as fresh as ever. So keep up whatever magic spell it is that you’re casting. Love and peace for you and yours in 2019!

    • Judy McLane
      December 18, 2018 / 9:22 pm

      Sweet, beautiful Laurel. Thanks so much for your support. Means so much to me. xoxo

  13. Doris syme
    December 16, 2018 / 9:06 pm

    Congrats on 100, a real milestone! This has been a thoughtful, insightful and happy journey, Keep writing! Happy holidays.

    • Judy McLane
      December 18, 2018 / 9:22 pm

      Dearest, you’re the best! Much love. xoxo

  14. Candy
    December 17, 2018 / 10:12 am

    Congratulations on your milestone Judy. It is quite an achievement. I have thoroughly enjoyed going on this journey with you. Your words are beautifully written and thought provoking. I savor each post and delight in your gems of wisdom. Keep writing in some form or another. You not only have a talent but you have something to say. Thank you for that.

    • Judy McLane
      December 18, 2018 / 9:23 pm

      Thanks, Candy, my sweet friend. Your words and support make my heart soar!

  15. Cheri C Leggett
    December 18, 2018 / 9:41 am

    Judy, over your 100 blog posts, i have not missed one! Some hit home more than others, but there is always a take-away from each and every one. You are definitely an inspiration for all of us mature ladies, and definitely wisdom for those of us who are still working on our maturity status. As i am about to turn 75 next April (yikes!!), i still feel in my 50’s–somedays–and maybe mid-60’s on the others. (Well, there are THOSE days, when i kinda sorta acknowledge my septuagenarian moniker, BUT NOT VERY OFTEN!

    Judy, you give us thoughts and words to live by, and most of all you embrace a very positive life attitude. That trait is platinum in my book.

    Wishing you and your followers the Happiest of Holidays, a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

    • Judy McLane
      December 18, 2018 / 9:26 pm

      Cheri – thanks so much for your kind words and for reading my blog. I so appreciate it! And I wish you all the best as you celebrate EVERY year. You are right — acting as we FEEL, rather than according to some number is what really matters. Happy holidays and Happy New Year!!

  16. Joan
    December 20, 2018 / 2:19 pm

    Hoping and anticipating the next 100 plus blogs! Thank you for sharing YOU with the world!!!

  17. Lauren
    December 21, 2018 / 10:45 pm

    Congratulations on your 100th blog! That’s awesome! I love reading your blog…you are a great writer and the best aunt ever! I love you!💕