Hi, it’s me again.

I feel like I’ve been away from here, my blog, for such a long time. It has been a longer break than usual, mostly because I’ve not felt terribly inspired. I’ve started and stopped several posts, leaving them hanging in mid-air not knowing which way to turn.

I’m blaming my lack of inspiration on the weather. It’s been hot! Throw in a little humidity and I’m out. I realize the weather is a handy excuse or cop out (how’s that for a language throw-back?), but I need something, some reason for the “meh” attitude that’s kept me away.

Do you ever get that way? Where you’re not unhappy, and actually, you’re pretty happy, but still feeling a little neutral, or beige? Of course, you do. It’s human.

I like to think of periods like this as a bit of a pause. Sort of like I’ve stalled out for a bit until something eases up. With the overload of difficult and confusing news, the unrelenting heat, and the usual to-do lists, it’s not hard to understand . . . right? The thing is, at this point in my life, these “pauses” concern me only because I feel the urgency of making every day count.

But, I guess days like these count, too, so I might as well go with it and listen for the lesson.

Anyway, that’s where I’ve been. Feeling an in-between-ness. Not fully engaged, but not really disconnected either. Like I said, “meh.”

I think our subconscious knows before we consciously acknowledge it that we need a break. Perhaps it’s a necessary prelude, a resting of sorts, before the next wave of inspiration, motivation, action, drive or whatever begins and requires more energy.

I sure hope so. I’m ready. Ready to feel that drive, to revel in creative inspiration, and to be as productive as ever.

And truth be told, I’m ready for Summer to be over. I’m tiring of the oppressive heat, outdoor grilling, style-neutral clothes , and air conditioning.

In spite of the heat and the “tude,” it’s been a lovely Summer, yet I can feel a bubbling up of Autumn and I couldn’t be happier about it. (Can we pause here for a collective WooHoo?!)

Just thinking about Autumn gets my juices flowing. I love everything about it – the cooler weather (supposedly), garden planning and planting, baking all those goodies, the gorgeous colors, the clothes – oh the clothes!

On top of that, Michael and I have another trip abroad coming up, this time with my brother and his wife (my BFF). More on that a little later, but suffice it to say, the anticipation of a trip to a new place generates a lot of excitement and energy inside of me.

So, here I am again, pause over. Glad to be back. I like it here and knowing you’re out there allowing me to share a few thoughts and ideas. I don’t know about you but whenever I “use my words” instead of letting my thoughts spin, I usually find the clarity I’m seeking.

I hope you’ll hang in there with me.

Till next time,




  1. Debby
    August 24, 2018 / 6:52 am

    I agree, looking forward to Autumn.
    Looking forward to hearing about your upcoming trip with Michael and BFF.

  2. Joan
    August 24, 2018 / 11:54 am

    Sounds like REALITY to me!!! Enjoy your trip! We’ll be anxiously waiting for your return!!!

    • Judy McLane
      August 24, 2018 / 1:37 pm

      You’re right — it IS reality, so just going with it. xo

  3. Terry Devine
    August 24, 2018 / 12:09 pm

    I’ve been wrapped in beige for a while and not sure why. But I’ve started trying to add in some color. Maybe this is a pause before I retire, a season to gather my colors for my next adventure. Because in “retirement” I’m going to need every ounce of energy in order to squeeze all the color I can out of every tube of paint there is!
    Thank you for your insight and for giving me a new perspective on my meh!

    • Judy McLane
      August 24, 2018 / 1:37 pm

      Terry, I’m here for you and will be ready with a variety of colors should you need them. It’s good to have company in the “meh” zone. 🙂

  4. August 25, 2018 / 6:12 am

    I find, that during the lull of summer, when I don’t see as many of my friends because we’re all going in different directions, I have a harder time finding inspiration for my blogs. But then when we do connect again, the gals I know always have some fun tidbits to share. Those are the ideas I pick up on for my blogs.
    I read a comment years ago from style icon, Iris Apfel, “If you’re not interested, you’re not interesting.”
    It has stuck with me. I try to be interested in everything, because my ideas are limited. I need help. But as long as I keep my antennae up, blog ideas seem to just drop from the sky. Everybody needs a little help from above. <3

  5. Laurel Tucker
    August 28, 2018 / 10:36 pm

    Of course we’ll hang in there with you! It’s reassuring to hear others going through similar things. In chatting with a friend the other day, I mentioned having the “blahs.” She blamed August, and somehow that gave me a little boost, knowing that September’s right around the corner. Thanks for being part of our lives, lovely Judy!

  6. Tina
    September 2, 2018 / 7:57 am

    When I feel the way you describe, it is usually allergies that make me feel lethargic. I keep asking my self if I am just the “L’ word- Lazy. When the weather changes, I feel normal again.

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