Why art makes me happy . . . and inspired.

There’s that word again . . . inspired.

All this talk of inspiration has made me think about those things that inspire me and send me off with an excitement to start “making” something, anything. It’s like a little fire-in-the-belly moment I’m after. View Post

Embarking on a new adventure

This week I’ll be attending a bloggers conference. It’s for female bloggers of all ages and specialties. I think the vast majority of the attendees will be View Post

Finding Your Ageless Style

Nowadays, fashion and personal style have many fewer rules than in decades past. It’s pretty much an anything goes world, especially regarding personal style. That’s not to say that we shouldn’t take stock of what works for us in terms of lifestyle, situational appropriateness, modesty, and body type. It does mean though View Post

Finding, or reigniting, your creative self

Do you feel more creative now than when you were younger? Or are you feeling those creative urges are behind you now?

I’ve been thinking a lot about this lately. Seems like View Post

You Are What You Wear

I knew it. I just knew it . . . instinctively. I’ve always known how clothes make me feel. I know when I’ve nailed an outfit, and I know when I haven’t.

In my work life, what I wore could make or break a good day, View Post