For the love of L.A. and following our dreams . . .

Have you seen the movie LaLa Land yet? It stars the adorable duo of Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone. They play dreamers in Los Angeles – he is a passionate and struggling Jazz pianist, and she is an aspiring and struggling actress. While the story is part relationship seeking, part dream weaving, it is also clearly a love story to L.A. After all, what other city in the world can boast more dreamers, artists, and makers than L.A? The creative energy and magic that is generated every day in this city could light up a hundred cities.

I watched the movie, mesmerized on so many levels. All the familiar locations throughout the city, the romance of song & dance, even the scenes of our well-known traffic. But what struck me in my core and has stayed with me for the last week is the passion of pursuing a dream. The focus, the energy, the joy, sweat and tears of following that dream. Can’t remember the last time I felt like that.

Is chasing a dream with such abandon only in the purview of the young?   View Post

What you wear tells a story.

What you wear is a kind of shorthand communication that tells people something about you. Conservative? Artsy? Sporty? Stuck in a time warp? Hiding from the world? Elegant? Fancy? Hip? There are as many definitions, or stories, as there are people. And there is no wrong answer (well, almost no).

 I love how I can use my clothes to make me feel a certain way. I love how what I wear helps me tell the world who I am – or at least who I am that day. I love how I become more confident when I wear something that makes me feel the most like . . . well, me.

Clothes let you tell your own story.

Just to be perfectly clear, when I use the word “story,” I’m not suggesting that we be untruthful or phony. I’m a communicator by trade and by nature, so to me, it’s important to use whatever means at my disposal to send the right message, to tell my story.

For example, my story can be summed up as Harmony Designed:

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Taking the Leap!

Well, here goes nothing. I’m…retired? Holy cow. That can’t be right. How did I get to “that place” already? It appears to be true, however.

Feeling a little insecure, excited, lost, adventurous, happy, sad…confused.

So many things I want to do and explore. Places to go. People to see. But I want to nest, too. Stay home – garden, cook, work out, more yoga, more fashion…and no schedules.

Will there be a new me emerging? If so, what happens to the “old” me? And what was wrong with her? Oh geez…you get my drift (into space)? View Post

2017 and a word of guidance

A brand new, clean slate, fresh-from-the-start year! Oh how I love the beginning of a new year, a new journey. All that possibility of what could be, just around the corner. While it’s tempting to set about making the traditional list of resolutions and goals, I’m trying to redirect that energy to what will be my word of the year for 2017.

My guiding light, so to speak.

As you know, I’m new to this “off career” thing (still can’t even say the “R” word). Given that reticence and all the unknowns that are in front of me, I’ve decided that my perfect word for 2017 is . . .  View Post

Why Style is so important

It may seem superficial, or frivolous even, to worry about defining one’s style, especially when there are so many more important things in the world to be concerned with. But I happen to believe that when we care about how we present ourselves to the world, we become better people, more confident, powerful and capable of changing the world – even if the change in the world starts as small as a simple act of kindness every day.

“Clothes aren’t going to change the world. The women who wear them will.”
Anne Klein View Post