Going high/low and making your clothes work harder

I don’t know about you, but I want the clothes in my closet to do double or triple duty for me. All those work and professional event clothes that I spent good money on, View Post

For the love of things

We all know the stuff that makes life worth living – love, family, friends, pets, experiences, a feeling of belonging and of contribution. This, I’m sure we can all agree on.

But have you ever thought of how things – literally, things – make you happy? View Post

I have a girl style crush!

What is it about Parisian women’s style that is so attractive and compelling? Could be the fact that it is always chic, and yet appears effortless.

Recently I saw the film Elle, starring 63-year-old French actress Isabelle Huppert. The movie is different, but good. What I loved most, however, were the scenes of Paris streets and apartments, and her style in the movie. So I decided to do a little research about her to see if her real life style matches her depiction in the film. View Post

What does Home mean to you?

I’ve always been a bit of a homebody, and these days I find myself more in tune and in love with my home than I’ve ever been. I’m a putterer, a caretaker, a nurturer by nature, so with more time now, rather than rushing through chores that I have to get done in one or two weekend days or after work, I can meander through them and actually enjoy the process. View Post

Cool outfits to beat the heat

I don’t know about you, but when the temperatures start to soar, I run for cover. Literally.

And it hasn’t gotten better as I’ve gotten older. Nope. I’m even more of a weather wimp than I used to be. My husband always says I have a one degree heat tolerance. Either it’s one degree too hot, or one degree too cold. Whatever.

Even though I’m not what you would call a heat lover, many of the traditions and activities of Summer are definitely things I love – like dinner parties al fresco, concerts in the park, picnics, the long days and warm Summer nights. View Post