Hunkering down

Since we saw no rain in February this year, it seems we’re getting caught up in March.  I love it.  Rainy days are good days to cozy up and . . . well, write, or read, watch a movie, or any number of inside activities.  Rain is insulating, it feels like Nature’s way to say “take a break.”

While the rain is nice and a good excuse to snuggle in, this crazy virus stuff is a whole other thing.  Another reason to hunker down for sure, albeit a bizarre and never-thought-I’d-see-the-day reason.

But reality is what reality is.  Might as well just deal with it.

So, Michael and I have taken all the precautions recommended – washing hands, limiting social outings with large groups, etc.  Other plans have been cancelled for us.  The world seems to be closing down.  On top of that, everything I read focuses on people over 60 being one of the groups most at risk. At first, I didn’t give it much thought.  But it’s been a relentless message, so, it finally hit me.  I’m in one of the groups at risk, merely due to my age!  Crap!

It’s kinda scary.  Even though my rational self knows “this too shall pass,” everything feels uncertain, unstable. So hard to wrap my head around it.  “Is this actually happening? Are we really shutting down our world, or so it seems? Should we worry?”

What to do.

As the saying goes, stay calm and carry on.  Except that the “carry on” part has to be limited and curtailed quite a bit.  Might as well make the most of a bad, truly bad, situation.  Here’s an opportunity to seriously try out that “slow living” thing that always sounds so good and so healthy and so peaceful.  OK, we’ll give it a go.  Stay close to home. Putter about. Work on projects. Catch up on reading.  Maybe a nap or two.  Movies are good.  Try some new and/or favorite recipes. And hey, let’s put up the card table and cover it with a jigsaw puzzle! (Oh yeah, Michael was thrilled with that one.  Not.) 

And let’s be grateful for modern technology right about now.  At least we can easily and frequently catch up and connect with our people.  Talk about giving us a heightened sense of what our priorities are. 

Whatever you come up with to keep yourself healthy, safe, and somewhat entertained, I wish you more of that.  And please share.  

Till next time,



  1. Julie Loats
    March 14, 2020 / 9:07 am

    First Trump, then this…two very bizarre, surreal realities. I’m beginning to think I’m actually living in a macabre episode of the Twilight Zone 😧

    • Judy McLane
      March 14, 2020 / 9:08 am

      LOL – I’m right there with you, dearest! Glad we’re in the same Zone at least. xo

  2. Brad Smith
    March 14, 2020 / 10:34 am

    I’m sitting, having my coffee, deep breathing, and reading your post. Outside world be damned! Myron and I both are trying to communicate with panicky students. Oh well. I’m liking the slower living.
    Love ya! B

  3. Laurel Tucker
    March 14, 2020 / 6:41 pm

    We’ve been hanging out in Davis (apparently a semi- hotspot?) with our college jr, whose dance performance was cancelled a few days ago, and now she’s dealing with the spring quarter going online. We’re so glad that my 86 year old mom decided not to come along. It’s become surreal so very quickly. Yeah, as if there wasn’t enough to worry about before this! Love to Judy and everyone reading her blog while sheltering in place. 💜

  4. March 16, 2020 / 11:08 am

    I’ve decided that I need a cat to hunker down. Yes, the rain makes the hunker more enjoyable. Thank you Judy.