Did you know that July is National Picnic Month? I know, I know, there’s a National Month for everything – probably even eyelash curling. But people, picnics!
I love a picnic. Fresh air, a blanket on grass or sand, a few nibbles, a good book or not, perhaps a concert or not, that’s the stuff of pure Summer bliss to me.
Dictionary.com describes a picnic as “Sharing a meal in the open air.” Ya gotta love that.
Open air. A Summer breeze. Cool, green grass or warm sand. Friends and loved ones nearby. Sigh.

I believe that the true joy of picnicking, though, is the moment or pause that it requires. It’s such a simple, old-fashioned endeavor, nothing modern or technological necessary. Just a relaxed attitude and time to share with your picnic partners.
I think food even tastes better when you’re sitting on a blanket under a tree or an umbrella near the shore.
Picnics are kinda my thing. Just ask my husband. He rolls his eyes at the suggestion, and then goes along . . . and, of course, totally enjoys the moment. Picnicking is in my blood, my DNA. I have many fond memories of picnics. When I was a little girl, there was never much extra money for entertainment, so we did lots of Sunday afternoon picnics. Depending upon how energetic Mom felt, we either had bologna, cheese and crackers or fried chicken and potato salad. Whatever was the case, it was packed up with other treats and off we went into the country behind our town. Mom and Dad would look for some shade in a field or a park somewhere, lay down a blanket, and call it heaven. And it was. I always got to bring a friend along. We’d run wild having all kinds of adventures. Mom would read and Dad would nap. It was a perfect Sunday afternoon.
As a family, we celebrated holidays with a picnic, too. Easter was a tradition, and a pre-Thanksgiving picnic started up years later as siblings gained in-laws and had to share holidays. The Autumn picnic was always my favorite.
These days, we even picnic wherever we travel. After all, there’s a park or a lakeside or a city bench just about anywhere in the world. All it takes is a little snack and a few minutes. Just pause, observe and breathe. Take in your beautiful world.
Truth be told, picnics are not reserved for Summer at all, especially in California. But for some reason, we indulge more often in this season. Maybe it’s the heat that makes picnics so alluring. Or perhaps it’s the desire to recreate those lazy, hazy, crazy days of Summer. I don’t know what the reason is, I just know I love any opportunity to be outside sharing time and a meal with those I love.
Even if picnics are not your go-to for Summer fun, think about what was once a joy-inducing activity of Summers past and go for it.
But honestly, when was the last time you gave a picnic a try? It’s National Picnic Month after all. Go on, give it a try.
Till next time, I hope you’re enjoying your own Summer fun.
Ok….I’ll do it!