A gaggle of girls

Yes, even at this age, I think of myself and my friends as girls.  Girls of a certain age, that is.  In my life, having a gaggle of girls around me has always been my soft place to fall, my port in a storm, my chosen family.  My mother taught me that by example. She was never without a circle of girlfriends who had her back, wiped her tears, and kept her laughing.

A couple of weeks ago, a particular gaggle had gathered for our monthly book group. In our typical fashion, we finally got around to discussing the book in the last hour of the evening. We simply had too much life to talk about first, good food to eat, and a bit of wine to imbibe (smile).  We’ve been friends for over 35 years, so we have a kind of language of our own and are pretty good about navigating the potholes or worse.  We’ve been through a few trials and a few more celebrations.  And through it all, we’ve hung in there together and I expect we always will.

I’m fortunate to have them in my life.

Since March is Women’s History Month, and today is International Women’s Day, I’ve been thinking a lot about how important women are in my life.

When I see myself in the mirror, or observe my behavior in a particular situation, I can’t help but see all those women looking back at me.  My mother, my sisters, my grade school through college friends, my BFF since I was 14, my nieces, my stepdaughter and daughter-in-law, and the amazing circle of women who I share my everyday world with – they are a part of me, of the woman I’ve become.

We have shared histories, and the bonds born from them. We’ve talked long into many a night – about jobs, men, kids, the state of the world.  And after each time, my own world seems bigger, yet smaller and more intimate, safer and richer.

Have you noticed that we start gathering in groups (or gaggles) at a very young age?  I have to chuckle a little every time I see a pack of pre-teens walking home together from school — yakking and laughing all the way.  I can so relate — to this day! It  seems like wherever women go, community follows.  That’s such a good thing.

Women are nurturers, communicators, collaborators. If we choose, we can run a company, a country, or a house full of kids. When something needs doing, just give it to a woman.

So a day – or a month – to celebrate women? Sign me up.  As one of them, I have to admit that I’m a bit biased (can you tell?), but with all humility, I think it’s obvious that we are a pretty amazing bunch of humans. (Smile).

I hope you join me in celebrating – the woman you are, the women in your life, the women who are making a difference in this world, or in your community.

Now more than ever before, I need all my girls around me.  And I am grateful for every one of them, past and present, and for all the memories we’ve made together, the adventures we still have to plan, and for the joy and comfort of walking this path together.

Till next time,



  1. Sarah
    March 8, 2019 / 7:19 am

    I totally agree! Friends since we were three thanks to our Mothers. Such fun times and memories❤️

  2. Terry
    March 8, 2019 / 12:27 pm

    I’m also part of a book club. We too cover life events, small and large, enjoy food and wine, and then after thoroughly making sure we’re all good we discuss our book. Or not. Usually there’s someone who hasn’t read it for one reason or another, but over the years that’s no longed the point. Being with each other is. Gaggle on!

  3. Julie Loats
    March 8, 2019 / 9:37 pm

    Another reminder of how important my gaggles are. The book club is one of the best. Thanks Judy

  4. Debby Iacunato
    March 9, 2019 / 7:49 am

    women collaborate and support each other.

  5. Beverly
    March 10, 2019 / 11:04 pm

    This sweet post warms my heart Judy. You give a perfect illustration female friendships … although the word gaggle makes me giggle. <3

  6. Laurel Tucker
    March 14, 2019 / 4:23 pm

    Thank you for another wonderful reminder to appreciate those little things that add up to lots more. When I think of things for which I’m grateful, my various gaggles of girlfriends is usually one of the first that comes to mind. You’re in there too, lovely Judy.

  7. Rod
    March 14, 2019 / 6:01 pm

    Frist of all I am not a girl, so no gaggle either. But what I do have is a loving wife, a wonderful daughter, two beautiful granddaughters, three supportive sisters and two neighbors that are women and my friends. Is this a gaggle? Maybe so.
    If caring for each other, listening to each other and especially laughing with each other qualifies as a gaggle, I HAVE ONE.
    Jude, I know that you have always talked about your wonderful girlfriends as your loving support group and lifelong friends, your gaggle. But even a guy can have his gaggle. Just sayin..
    Love you

  8. Bobbi
    April 13, 2019 / 3:51 am

    Hey Jude, I somehow fell off your list. Was worried when I hadn’t seen a post. Thought you had become too busy for these inspiring heart warming encouragements. But I found you.! Growing up in a gaggle of women with my 7 sisters, it came naturally to want to belong to yours. God has sure blessed me with wonderful GIRLfriends. Love ya.