On being thankful

Even though Thanksgiving was yesterday, giving thanks is a daily exercise for me. I am continuously amazed at my life. I don’t mean that to sound righteous or privileged, but growing up as I did, I could never have imagined a life like this – peaceful, secure, happy. As I’ve been thinking about the things I’m most grateful for . . . hold on, this makes me weepy . . . the things that fill my world and make it so good, all of it comes down to what brings me peace and love.

Nothing surprising here, but it sure feels good to share it “out loud.” So here goes.

  • My husband – best friend, favorite playmate, all-around love of my life
  • My family – ever supportive and loving
  • Grandchildren – there are no words that can adequately describe the love and joy that they are to me.
  • My friends – extended family really – the love, the laughs, even the tears
  • My fur babies – everyday joy that fills me up. Can’t imagine being without them.
  • My peaceful home – not thinking about where to lay my head is a privilege I will always be grateful for.
  • My health and the health of all of my loved ones
  • My garden – reminds me every day of how much I love this precious Earth of ours.
  • All the experiences of my life that have given me the self-knowledge and confidence to be happy being me.
  • And then there’s always blue skies, fall leaves, clean sheets, cat videos, morning coffee. You know, the smaller things in life.

I’m also so very thankful for all of you following my blog and encouraging me. I can’t find the words – weird, huh? – to tell you how much you’ve buoyed my spirit with your comments and your following. Thank you so much.

Tell me, what are your “most grateful for” things?

Till next time, I wish you more of those.




  1. Colleen Lehman
    November 24, 2017 / 10:03 am

    Beautifully expressed. Truly. And how grateful I am for you, dearest friend.

  2. Doris Syme
    November 24, 2017 / 10:36 am

    Dear Friend……I am grateful and thankful that you are my friend. Your message is beautiful and reminds me to keep looking at the positive things in my life!
    Doris Syme

  3. Dona sabolick
    November 24, 2017 / 11:29 am

    That was so touching and beautiful Judy it brought tears to my eyes. I too am grateful for our friendship and hope and pray that we will be able to share many laughs and tears together as we venture in this life of ours. I’m thankful for just about everything you listed but at the very end when you mentioned clean sheets I started to laugh because I thought I was weird because I love taking a shower in my white white shower there’s something about it that makes me feel good and I thought I was strange so thanks for sharing that. I’m blessed to the max!!!!!

  4. Debby
    November 24, 2017 / 3:06 pm

    Great message and so true. I am grateful for so many things in my life which starts with my husband who is also my best friend, my family including the fur ones and good health. Life is truly a blessing!