I’m pondering

Years ago I saw a film called “MindWalk.” It’s a wonderful film based on a discussion that three individuals have while walking around Mont St. Michel in the South of France. The three individuals are a politician, a poet and a scientist. Their discussion covers a lot of ground, but is basically focused on the problems and challenges facing the world, each person offering their unique perspective.

It’s a very thought-provoking film, but one line in it has always stood out for me, even after all these years. In the film, after talking about all the woes of the world without any clear or simple solutions at hand, the poet says “Healing the Universe is an inside job.” Meaning, before we can fix the world’s problems, we first have to fix our selves.

I’ve been pondering that line a lot recently. In our crazy and mixed up world, when so much needs to be healed and I’m often at a loss or in a perpetual headspin as to what I can do to make any difference, the message in that simple line keeps resonating with me.

Is it as simple as that? If we heal ourselves, the world will heal along with us. Perhaps. I don’t know. I do know that when I first heard it, it made me want to be a better person, kinder and more giving. I know I haven’t accomplished all of that all the time, but I do know I still strive for it every day. But is that enough?

Maybe it’s like the proverbial pebble in the pond – for every pebble dropped in water, it reverberates throughout the pond or ocean sending out beautiful, repetitive rings. I don’t know about you, but I feel like I have some soul-searching to do to make sure that the pebbles I’m dropping are sending out the right vibrations – not anger and hate, but love, trust and action.

So, I’m pondering, and grieving. Tell me . . . how are you doing?

Till next time,




  1. Sharon Mills
    October 7, 2017 / 8:45 am

    The world is so hostile about everything these days. I feel such sorrow for the path we’re on. No respect for each other, no compassion, no understanding. In the darkness that surrounds us, I seek a ray of sunshine in everything I do. I think I overcompensate to try to add balance to what I’m feeling and I go out of my way to smile and talk to everyone and include them in the happy side of life. It’s a struggle with all that is going on. Trust is definitely waning.
    Great article, Jude!

  2. bobbi
    October 7, 2017 / 10:23 am