What does Home mean to you?

I’ve always been a bit of a homebody, and these days I find myself more in tune and in love with my home than I’ve ever been. I’m a putterer, a caretaker, a nurturer by nature, so with more time now, rather than rushing through chores that I have to get done in one or two weekend days or after work, I can meander through them and actually enjoy the process.

Like gardening. For years, I’ve stressed endlessly about what needs to get done. Now as I’m learning to relax about it, I’m feeling a renewed energy to spend time in the garden. And I’m enjoying it so much more.

I love that. I love taking care of my home and garden. And it’s never lost on me how fortunate I am to have this home filled with wonderful memories and such joy. I am immensely grateful.

Having time to slow down a bit and take measure of one’s life gives us the chance to savor the bits and pieces of home and everything it means to us.

During a recent TED Talk, Pope Francis offered a thought about our homes that really resonated with me. He called them “the domestic churches” in our lives. Think about that.

Religious or not, don’t you feel a reverence when you enter any church or place of worship?

I think that’s the same reverence the pope is suggesting we give to our homes. To be reverent, attentive and even in awe of our homes, our lives. If we fill them with kindness, faith, love, comfort and security, then perhaps we’ll share more of all of that with the world.

Wouldn’t that be great?

When I asked my husband what words he would use to describe what home means to him, he said “It’s my sanctuary and comfort. A safe place to land.” Then he went one step further (too far perhaps?) and added “I feel like the king of our castle.” Wait, what?

I suppose that makes me the queen . . . so, OK. I guess I can live with that.

What words spring to mind when you think of Home?

In closing, I thought I’d share this lovely poem that captures “Home” in all its various forms so nicely.

Enjoy . . . and until next time,



by Rick Hoyt

Thank God for home

The homes we leave

The homes we create

The homes where we never felt welcome

The homes we found for ourselves

The homes that teach us the basics of community

The lessons of what doesn’t work and what does|

The homes that accept us as we are

And the homes that made us what we are.

The home where we come at the end of the day

The home that sends us on our way

The home of just myself

Or myself and the cat

Or the home I share with one special person

Or the home full of family

Or the home full of friends

The home base from which we launch our lives

The homecoming where we return when our

lives have become too much.

The front door

The couch

The kitchen counter

The bed

Thank God for the homes we’re given

And thank yourself, for the home you’ve made.



  1. Bobbi
    May 2, 2017 / 9:58 am

    Love it — REALLY REALLY love it.


  2. Subes
    May 2, 2017 / 5:48 pm

    Have been feeling a little out of sorts for a couple of weeks, no reason in particular, just a funk. Your blog about home and the poem gave me pause to think about how I have been thinking about my home. What if anything my funk might have to do with my current relationship with my home. I normally love my home and my flowers, however, lately I havent given either of them much thought or attention. Now walking the dogs and giving some thought about your blog. I believe you get what you need when you need it! Thanks

  3. Candy
    May 3, 2017 / 9:42 am

    Love this post! There are so many good things to think about. I too am a homebody. There was a time when I thought that sounded a bit dull but since I’ve been retired I have embraced the idea and cherish it. I love puttering. I love the idea of slowing down and savoring the bits and pieces of home. I must admit sometimes I get sick of the endless chores but your post has prompted me to see them in a different light. I am taking care of my home, my domestic church, and thereby experiencing the joy that is returned to me by doing so. It’s not a chore but a loving thing that I am doing. The home is so much more than just a house. I didn’t always realize the difference.

  4. Brad
    May 5, 2017 / 3:35 pm

    Love your church!!!