For the love of L.A. and following our dreams . . .

Have you seen the movie LaLa Land yet? It stars the adorable duo of Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone. They play dreamers in Los Angeles – he is a passionate and struggling Jazz pianist, and she is an aspiring and struggling actress. While the story is part relationship seeking, part dream weaving, it is also clearly a love story to L.A. After all, what other city in the world can boast more dreamers, artists, and makers than L.A? The creative energy and magic that is generated every day in this city could light up a hundred cities.

I watched the movie, mesmerized on so many levels. All the familiar locations throughout the city, the romance of song & dance, even the scenes of our well-known traffic. But what struck me in my core and has stayed with me for the last week is the passion of pursuing a dream. The focus, the energy, the joy, sweat and tears of following that dream. Can’t remember the last time I felt like that.

Is chasing a dream with such abandon only in the purview of the young?  

Maybe the passion takes on a slightly different intensity, but shouldn’t we still have and pursue dreams of our own?

If the answer is yes, and I think it is, then think about something you’ve always longed to do. Are you currently in pursuit? If so, good for you and please share!

Or have you been telling yourself that “someday” you’ll get back to the dream? Maybe you’re like me – not even sure yet what the dream is or could be. Even the unknowing-ness is kind of exciting. Gives me a sense of purpose to try and figure it out.

My husband had a great answer. He said his dream now is to fully explore and express being who he has always wanted to be, namely, an artist. With many fewer obligations and expectations, he feels a sense of freedom to go for it. I say, “hear, hear (but remember, Tuesday is still trash day.”) Such a dream killer.

One thing I am sure about is that I don’t want to let any more time slip by without giving myself a chance to find the dreams and goals that fuel that fire in the belly, or at least an ember, once more.

How about you? Have you been holding back? If you answered yes, why? And what are you waiting for? Or if you’re in the throes of passion, fill us in – please!

So while I’m at it, I think I’ll let myself dance and sing my way to La La Land (the real city) for regular injections of that creative energy. Who know’s what inspiration is waiting just around the corner.

Till next time,



  1. Doris Syme
    January 24, 2017 / 12:09 pm

    Dearest Judy,
    Such a thrill of read your blog announcement! Congratulations!
    Reminds me of a speaker I heard this weekend….”what makes your heart sing and what
    makes your heart scream” You are right on track….time to refresh and commit to the
    passion we all keep looking for as we leave the daily work life to take that extended
    vacation we have dreamed about.
    Success and happiness as you pursue this journey.

    • Terry Devine
      January 26, 2017 / 4:44 pm

      Dear Judy,
      How inspirational! I needed to read that, and I am looking forward to more! I have been a prisoner of “someday”, but am so ready to make a jail break. I have a feeling that this is just the impetus (kick in the booty) that I need. I know this will be your success.
      Thank you!

      • Judy McLane
        January 28, 2017 / 6:51 am

        Thank you, Terry. You are such a talented human being, so when you set your sights on a new chapter, a whole new world of creativity is going to unfold in front of you. Can’t wait to see what comes next!

  2. Colleen
    January 24, 2017 / 2:15 pm

    Love this!

  3. Zina
    January 26, 2017 / 5:07 pm

    This is wonderful and thought provoking 🙂