Taking the Leap!

Well, here goes nothing. I’m…retired? Holy cow. That can’t be right. How did I get to “that place” already? It appears to be true, however.

Feeling a little insecure, excited, lost, adventurous, happy, sad…confused.

So many things I want to do and explore. Places to go. People to see. But I want to nest, too. Stay home – garden, cook, work out, more yoga, more fashion…and no schedules.

Will there be a new me emerging? If so, what happens to the “old” me? And what was wrong with her? Oh geez…you get my drift (into space)?

To use a favorite Oprah opening, “what I know for sure is”…I’m a searcher, a ponderer – someone who has questioned (obviously) life, purpose, being…whatever, for her whole life. So here I am on the precipice of what could be the best new adventure of my life, and I’m still asking questions and pondering my choices.

Am I being overly optimistic about the freedom this thing called “retirement” will bring?

Will I find myself lost and adrift without the comfort of a daily schedule dictated by someone else (either a boss or a client)?

With my newfound freedom, do I have time to save the planet?

What adventures await as I throw off the shackles of propriety (a little dramatic, but you get the point)?

Any thoughts? Advice you can share with me of your own experiences and learnings if you’ve gone down this path before me?

Till next time,



  1. January 18, 2017 / 11:21 am

    John Wayne said it best, “Courage is being scared to death, and saddling up anyway.”
    Wishing you every success on your launch.

    • Judy
      January 19, 2017 / 7:45 am

      Thank you, Sharon. I’ll remember that quote!

  2. Angela
    January 18, 2017 / 2:50 pm

    OMG, OMG, OMG! I LOVE this! Can’t wait for the next post!

    • Judy
      January 19, 2017 / 7:45 am


  3. Colette Derr
    January 22, 2017 / 5:01 pm

    Your blog is Fantastic!!! You are sure to attract a community of like-minded souls.

    • Judy McLane
      January 23, 2017 / 7:41 pm

      Thank you so much! My like-minded sister!

  4. Colette Derr
    January 22, 2017 / 5:02 pm

    Wow!! This is amazing!

  5. Terry Devine
    January 26, 2017 / 4:47 pm

    That is EXACTLY what I’m going through as I contemplate “retirement”! It helps to know one isn’t alone.

    • Judy McLane
      January 28, 2017 / 6:48 am

      We’re in it together! 🙂

  6. Mandy Flores-Witte
    January 27, 2017 / 10:55 am

    “An optimist may see a light where there is none, but why must the pessimist always run to blow it out?” Rene Descartes
    Be optimistic about retirement. It’s a new day, a new chapter, a new beginning.

  7. Mandy Flores-Witte
    January 27, 2017 / 10:56 am

    “An optimist may see a light where there is none, but why must the pessimist always run to blow it out?” Rene Descartes
    Be optimistic about retirement. It’s a new day, a new chapter, a new beginning. I’m so happy for you and wish you the very best.

  8. Beverly Paige
    January 28, 2017 / 12:19 pm

    Love it! ? Can’t wait for more

  9. Karen Soto-White
    January 30, 2017 / 9:54 am

    To give a healing is to get a healing-