You Are What You Wear

I knew it. I just knew it . . . instinctively. I’ve always known how clothes make me feel. I know when I’ve nailed an outfit, and I know when I haven’t.

In my work life, what I wore could make or break a good day, View Post

Going high/low and making your clothes work harder

I don’t know about you, but I want the clothes in my closet to do double or triple duty for me. All those work and professional event clothes that I spent good money on, View Post

Cool outfits to beat the heat

I don’t know about you, but when the temperatures start to soar, I run for cover. Literally.

And it hasn’t gotten better as I’ve gotten older. Nope. I’m even more of a weather wimp than I used to be. My husband always says I have a one degree heat tolerance. Either it’s one degree too hot, or one degree too cold. Whatever.

Even though I’m not what you would call a heat lover, many of the traditions and activities of Summer are definitely things I love – like dinner parties al fresco, concerts in the park, picnics, the long days and warm Summer nights. View Post

To tuck or not to tuck . . .

That is the question. Albeit not an earth shattering, world saving, or as important a question as Hamlet asked, but for a Friday morning, I’m OK with it.

Tucking in one’s shirt or top becomes a bit more challenging as we age. That little front tummy bulge or widening of the hips gives many of us pause before we tuck. Am I right? View Post

Do you have Quintessential Style?

Scenario: You’ve hit your 50’s, 60’s, 70’s or beyond and you want to amp things up a bit in your style? Maybe you’re starting a new job or career, maybe you’re getting off that track and trying something completely different, or maybe, just maybe you’re finally giving your Self the time and attention you deserve and you feel like a new look is in order. Where to begin.

I have a suggestion. View Post